The organization was previously known as Karagwe Community Based Rehabilitation Programmes (KCBRP), but in 2023 we decided to change its name to Beyond Inclusion (BI) to reflect our new vision, nature, roles, and scope of engagement of the organization. The new name reflects better our values, commitment, and our primary role of championing the rights of children and youngsters with disabilities. BI continues to render services to Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and their organizations in Tanzania. The organization started its work in 2004 as a small community-based organization in Ngara, Kagera Region that promoted Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) but has over the years grown both geographically and thematically. The organization has a mandate to work in the entire country but currently, we are operational in 7 Tanzania Regions. From 2004 to 2020 the organization has set the following track record:

  1. Through BI’s support, over 5,500 Children with Disabilities (CWDs) across Tanzania accessed education, with 3,070 transited to secondary schools. Further, 4,500 CWDs improved their daily functioning as a result of the support with rehabilitation, assistive devices, and general health care.
  2. Concerning access to inclusive labor, BI supported 6 Inclusive Vocational Training Centers (VTCs), through which over 400 Youngsters with Disabilities (YWDs) acquired livelihood skills, out of whom17 YWDs gained formal employment, and 250 others YWDs have informal employment.
  3. BI continues to play collaborative leadership roles in strategic networks. It is among others a member of CBR Africa Network Africa, Tanzania Education Network(TEN/MET), Tanzania Childhood Development Network(TECDEN), Tanzania CBR Network, Tanzania Network on Evidence to Action on Disability (TanzaNEAD), and African Network on Evidence to Action on Disability(AfriNEAD).
  4. KCBRP has established research partnerships with various institutions. To exemplify, KCBRP collaborated with Tanzania’s National Bureau of Statistics and Tanzania Albinism Society (TAS) to conduct a baseline study on the socioeconomic status of Persons with Albinism in the Lake Zone Region.
  5. Concerning advocacy, KCBRP has to date participated in national policy advocacy on disability inclusive development. As an example, together with the Prime Minister’s Office, Tanzania Albinism Society(TAS), Standing Voice(SV), and Africa Albinism Network(AAN), Beyond Inclusion pushed for the development of the Tanzanian National Action Plan on Albinism(NAP).

Our Vision

Beyond Inclusion (BI) has a dream of an inclusive society in which persons with disabilities attain their full potential, realize basic needs, and experience inclusion in all aspects of society.

Our Mission

We champion the rights, empowerment and wellbeing of persons with disabilities through advocacy, capacity building and linking OUR ORGANIZATION

Our Process

We focus on capacity building, networking, and implementing inclusive programs, emphasizing continuous monitoring, transparency, and adaptability.

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